Following the trend of our organizational and political proposal we hace created workshops wiht children and teenagers, through ludic, art and cultural activities.

Over this 39 year we have focused on popular education through training and education  of women, respecting and improving daily roles in the house, the corner, on the path, all of then have become the scenario for  pedagogical action and the transformation, as wives, partners, mothers and sisters, setting their self up as political individuals capable  to build our dreamland.
From this department we promote leadership among base women of the Organización Femenina Popular, through the educational process we are contributing to the development of our mission and our institutional view. We shape the demand of the woman rights and social responsabilities, actively participation and actions taken to renovate the construction of the popular power.  
Many women from Magdalena Medio, an advisors team, and OFP coordinators designed the proposal for the workshop, this pilot experience started in Barrancabermeja in 2002.
This proposal articulates the popular knowledges with critical reading in a creative way in a local context where women act. 
General Aim
To promote leadership within OFP women through an educational process to make them able to achieve the targets and the institutional consciousness and taking over responsibilities and the role of active participation in the claim for their right and building the popular power from women.
Pedagogical proposal
The popular educational curricular design prioritizes women demands and needs, resulting from OFP women dynamic and the educational planning. That educational planning aimed at understanding and women action facing up social risk and conflict situation of everyday reality community and organizational.  In regional, national and worldwide. This educational plan takes in account the structural analysis of the situation, important for the participants of the workshop.  In other to do that we give thematic lectures at the beginning and the end of each level related to the themes and problems exposed, in relation with the deep exposure of strategies. The educational plan is evaluated holding regular staff meetings, this curricular design allow us, to develop educational strategies for each season.

Challenger education
The centre included challenger education that is considerate as a process to increase knowledge, arising cognitive difficulties and practical issues, using different teaching methods featured by scientific research. The main purpose of the challenge education is not only to provide the  road to the knowledge it’s also to promote women’s ability to solve real problems within

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